Sunday, July 18, 2010

Welcomed by One

As they continued their journey he entered a village where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him. Luke 10:38

In the Philippines, it is customary to put up a welcome banner when a top government official or a celebrity comes into a place. And when the day comes, flocks gather to welcome that person. Media men, welcoming parties, students, vendors, ordinary people and locals greets the person. Cameras, videos and cellphones will work their wonders to capture the moment on the welcoming celebration.

Weird, this did not happen to Jesus. They came to one village yet Jesus was welcomed only by one. If there is banner for this welcome, it says, "Welcome Jesus! -by Martha". A village may have few tens to hundreds of people but only Martha welcomed Jesus. At this time, Jesus was already a word of mouth article. He has preached. He has healed the body and soul. He has performed miracles. Jesus was "somebody" when he entered this village. Yet He was welcomed only by one.

Would this be a problem?, I don't think so.

Jesus starts with this in our lives. At the beginning, He is welcomed by one. Remember this?

You welcomed Jesus in your large nominal Catholic family and clan.
You welcomed Him in your engineering class.
You welcomed Jesus in your office.
You welcomed Him in your circle of friends.
You welcomed Jesus in your social action club.
You welcomed Him in your on-line group.

In spite of these, Jesus entered. Jesus walked in your place. Jesus came and stayed though He may be welcomed only by one.

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