Sunday, October 31, 2010


But the tax collector stood off at a distance and would not even raise his eyes to heaven but beat his breast and prayed, 'O God, be merciful to me a sinner.' Luke 18:13

They brought my father to undergo a detailed scan of his head. After his heart attack, the doctors realized he must have blood clot in his brain. To identify where the clot is, they needed to bring him to a clinic with a CT Scanner. With the scan, they specified where the clot was, and they were successful in taking out the clot. You see, without the scan, they would not have located where the unwanted clot in the brain.

Imagine if my father covered his head when inside the scanning machine, of course, they would not have found what should they have found. My father lived after the scan and the operation, eventually he succumbed due to complications after a year.

The tax collector did not cover his heart. He exposed himself to God. He allowed himself to be scanned thoroughly. Before God who is sinless and holy, he recognized the sinner and unholy in him. In contrast, the Pharisee covered his heart and soul inside the scan. He did not want to be exposed before God. He took self-righteousness as his mask. He made going to God's scanner as a costume party, he was not himself before God.

Imagine the effect of covering yourself before God, you pretend you are whom you are not. No matter what your cover is, God sees and knows who you are.  And in spite of who you are, God loves you. You don't need to cover yourself before him. You can be yourself before him. You can allow yourself to be scanned before him. You can beat your chest and confess what you have done wrong before him he is ready to forgive and he will still accept you.

Go to the scanner without cover. Be healed. Be justified. And you will live on and on and on. Not only for a year.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gray Anatomy

Brothers and sisters : I, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received,... Ephesians 4:1
A scene from Grey's Anatomy….

April's back was against the wall. She was surrounded. The discussion of her fellow hospital residents was all about how they lost their virginity. One specified the date. Another said about a particular place. A young male doctor smiled and stated with whom. A female doctor cited the ambiance. And April?  She did not want to jump in into the story telling. But she has to as they pointed all eyes on her. She had to make a script of her own. She started to search for the right words yet she was not successful. So, they concluded she is still a virgin. The scenes which came after this one portrayed her fellow residents teasing and mocking her about her virginity. April wanted to be blend in, in the end, she did not.

It is not clear if April is a Christian or not in the popular TV series. So, let's not delved into April's life, let's turn to ours.

Sometimes, we find ourselves in the same scene - a Gray Anatomy.

  • You are looking for news at this website and then your eyes poked at the gossip section of the site. You clicked the link and read several stories of lives of people.  
  •  You are driving and suddenly a lady jogger with a gorgeous body cuts in your path. Instantly, your eyes feed your mind to fantasies you usually enjoy.
  • You come home tired and stressed from work. Your child asked for help in her homework and you found a mistake in her math assignment. You raise your voice upon her. She is startled yet you continue to pressure her that she should know this.
  • You thought about discussing a person's life since you thought are pastorally concern. Yeah, you thought. After talking about it for some time, you still have no direction or whatever to handle matters. But you enjoyed discussing someone's weakness and difficulties for you feel superior.
These are some of the situations where we blend in. We blend in to the situation. We blend in into our natural tendencies. We blend in into the world's directions and standards. We recognize that there is white and black yet there is an area which is gray in our anatomy. Isn't it clear it should be clear?

Paul is clear on this. He encouraged the early Christians and is encouraging us - to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received. The life we are called for is to live in the light. The manner we are called for is holiness.  Notice Paul's instruction doesn't contain any time or place element. He did not say, "to live in a manner worthy of the call you received during Sundays only…". He did not say, "to live in a manner worthy of the call you received during prayer meetings only…" He did not say, "to live in a manner worthy of the call you received during you feel like it only…" Paul's teaching is for all times. It is for all situations where we find ourselves. It is for all places where we are at.

We are called to live a life worthy of our calling.  And watch out for any Gray Anatomy.

Monday, October 25, 2010


At my first defense no one appeared on my behalf, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them!  But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength, so that through me the proclamation might be completed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was rescued from the lion's mouth. 2 Timothy 4:16-17

Defense. You need five players against five players in a basketball game. Stop any of the five from taking shots. Defend the perimeter and the bottom of the post. Block the jumpers and putting hands up on the slashers. Getting near the basket is a big No.  Five players need to form a solid fence to prevent the opposing players to score. But defense does not stop there. After defending the keyhole, they need to grab the ball and turn the tide on the other team. If a team wants to win a game, as they say, defense is the best offense.

Paul did not have the luxury of a team during a defensive play. He was all alone defending the turf. His team deserted him. His team filed leave of absences during the game. No one showed up for him to guard the post. He was  one man defensive team. Or so he thought. He got the Lord by his side. The Lord stood his ground and by Paul's game. The Lord put up a solid defense with Paul.

More than the fence they built, the Lord gave Paul the strength he needed to withstand the attack of the offense. The strength to block the ball, it's from the Lord. The strength to stop the streaking shooter, it's from the Lord. The strength to defend the quick step player, it's from the Lord. Paul just needed to be present at the defense, the Lord supplied the strength.

Further, the Lord's intention is to turn this defensive mode into an instant offense. Paul mentioned - so that through me the proclamation might be completed and all the Gentiles might hear it. The Lord will turn the tide. He has a game plan for Paul to advance the ball to the other court. The Lord will forward the mission into an offensive siege.

If today, you feel all alone in your defense, think again. If you see no one has shown concern at your defense, think again. The Lord stands by your side. The Lord gives you all the strength you need. He is busy sketching play to turn the tide for your benefit. The Lord will allow things to happen so you can forward his mission for you. Maybe for now the ball is not on your hands, but it will be. Be ready for your offensive game.

If your life is on the defensive mode, look upon the Lord, he alone is our defense.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Brothers and sisters : I, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace:.. Ephesians 4:1-3

We should have read the following:

Brothers and sisters: I, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to visit me twice a day. Schedule one by one so that I have company each hour in my prison cell. Contact all connections you have, use your influence so I may be free in no time. Collect all what you can collect among the believers for the judge has set my bail to a very stiff amount. Have you heard yet from my attorney? I am having doubts about the lawyer you recommended, he is not following up the proceedings of my case and I was told he was always at the side of the defeated end at each court battle. My fellow prisoners here at the facility have been staring at me with eyes of doom just like I stared at the early believers whom I have persecuted. I don't like prison food. I don't like prison clothes. I don't like prison bedding. I don't like prison bathroom. I don't like being in prison. Pray for me, I am losing heart and courage.

Glad we did not. Glad we saw Paul's encouragement though he was the one who needed it. He urged them: live in a manner worthy of the call you received. He advised them: with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love. He rallied them to be one: strive to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. He was the one in a dark prison cell yet he was the one who was shedding light. He was the one who was needing directions yet he showed them the path. He should have let himself all alone in one cold corner and question God about what is happening with his mission but he did not.

Huh, this is what Paul did. He requested the warden for his hands to be free from being handcuffed. He asked the prison guard for a table and a chair. He sat and reach for his bag and his hands wander for his pen and paper. And he wrote those words. Words that call the called to live the calling. Words which brings the proud to the ground and to the heart. Words that make the divided into one.

Can we be like Paul? If you are prisoner of a terminal disease, may you have the words and prayers for healing of the patient at the other room. If you are a prisoner of financial difficulties, may you continue to share what you have. If you are a cellmate of  trouble in fulfilling God's mission, may you maintain the heart for others. When you are a prisoner of life's uncertainty, may you be quick to admonish and help friends. When you are a prisoner of pride, may you lift up the lowly and poor in spirit.

May you please finish this blog? Brothers and sisters: Your Name, a prisoner for the Lord,.......

Friday, October 22, 2010

Power Within

Now to him who is able to accomplish far more than all we ask or imagine, by the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

"Why is the sea salty?"

This was the question in my last elementary district science quiz bee. If I get this correctly, I will win. But I did not know the right answer. So I guessed, I wrote - because of the sun. I thought because the seas are exposed to the heat of the sun that it became salty just like the human skin's perspiration. I was wrong. Someone got it right and he won. The right answer to the question? - because of the mineral deposits within.  What makes the sea salty is what is within it. What is deposited within the sea allows it to taste that way. Every living thing or non-living thing inside the sea makes contributions as to why it tastes salty.  It is not about what is external to it; it is about what is internal in it.

And so with us.

The Ephesians read and learned it from Paul - the power at work within us. What makes us holy is not our externalities, it is him who is within us who makes us holy. What gives us strength is the power deposited in us and not what we perceived we know in our minds or what we can do by ourselves. And Paul does not set a limit. He describes, Jesus is able to able to accomplish far more than all we ask or imagine. Ask Jesus about what he can or will do for you - he is able to do far more than that. Imagine Jesus doing this and that for you - he is able beyond this and that. And Jesus is the power within us. He is in our hearts deposited. He is the one who makes us salty. He is the power within us who makes things impossible possible. Far more than we can ask or we can imagine.

Unlike the minerals under the sea who does not know what they are doing to make the sea as salty as possible, the power is at work within us and is at work with purpose. He aims for us to follow him by the power within us. He intends for us to love him and to love one another. He is at work within us for us to work for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. He stirs in our hearts the desire to spread his word of love and encouragement to your family, to your officemate, to your long lost friends. He lives within us for us to make things right not wrong.

We will not be defeated. We will succeed; we will be victorious by the power at work within us.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Who would not want to walk with him?

Prosperity will march before the Lord, and good fortune will follow behind. Psalm 85:14

Sometimes, we endure sufferings in walking with the Lord. We experience difficulties in being with him. You struggle in life offered to him. You wrestle with bad health, job loss, relationship problems and family issues when you become his follower. When you decide to be with his side, things get rough and life gets tough.

This is so true. But it's just the half of the story. The psalmist reveals the other half.

The Lord is sandwiched between prosperity and good fortune. What are ahead of him are prosperous moments. What are behind him are good riches. When we walk with him, these things come to us. Our future is prosperous. Good destiny follows us. More than material wealth, what we must see here is we will have the grace when we needed it. We will be rich with grace. We will have the strength when we are weak. We will be filled with strength. We can't say, we lack thus we succumb. We can't say, there is not enough thus we surrender. We can't say, it's too much thus we give up marching with him. There will be enough. There will be satisfaction. There will be too much for the too much. For before him is prosperity, behind him is good fortunes. We, too, are sandwiched.

Observe when you are in traffic. You look upfront. You also look at the rear view mirror. If I am in a heavy traffic and I stare at the rear view, I'd say, "I have made it this far." When I look at the wind shield, I'd whisper, "The best is yet to come." Well, life is a heavy traffic (see first paragraph above). Allow the Lord to drive your life. Let him hold the wheel. Ask him to lead you. When he drives, more than a Pajero is in front of you- prosperity! When he drives, more than a Fortuner is behind you- good fortune! Stay with him in traffic. Choose to be with him in traffic. Be loyal to him in traffic.

Prosperity will march before the Lord, and good fortune will follow behind. Given this, who would not want to walk with him? 

Friday, October 15, 2010

My Two Cents

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows. Luke 12:6-7

Got two cents?

Indeed during his time, sparrows cost less. Yet, though they seem to be "worthless" by their value, they enjoy God's blessings. Whether they are free or not, someone will surely feed them. When their feathers are with dirt, the caretaker brings them out to clean them up. When they are bugged by other species, the caretaker protects them. Surely, they don't put much work. Sparrows can just stand on their branch all day. Imagine their worth - 5 sparrows divided by 2 cents. That is about $0.002 per sparrow. However, God does not forget them. God values the worthless. God treasures the less valuable. God keeps notice for the $0.002 worth package.

We have a God who one day, dropped in his two cents to claim his people. And his two cents did not match the merchandise. His Son nailed on the cross - his two cents. A people of no worth because of their sins - the merchandise.

God bought us with two cents- his valuable only Son. His only Son on the cross. His only Son walking where he should not. Jesus eating at a table where he should not. If you think you are worthless, you are. We are. I am. No action or no credential will add to our value. No skills or resume will add to our worth. No outer clothing will append our importance. No idea or wisdom can be attached to our significance. Only God through his love can procure people like us who are like sparrows. We depend on God for his grace to cope the hard day. We wait for his providence. We look for his protection. We expect his hand to heal us. Though we work, we find our strength in him alone.  Our value is not anchored with what we are or what we can do but with God and his love for us.

Next time, you'll hear someone about to share his take and say, "My two cents…" remember God shared his.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Streams of Water

They are like a tree planted near streams of water, that yields its fruit in season; Its leaves never wither; whatever they do prospers. Psalm 1:3
After spending one summer in our home, our lawn grass at our frontage has began to dry. We thought this won't happen for we even contracted a professional lawn caretaker to fertilize the grass. The contractor gave me a list of various chemicals he was about to pour in the coming months. Did he overdo our lawn? I diligently mowed the grass each week or after two weeks if I am lazy. Did I cut too low for the grass to lay forever? Our neighbors have trees all around their houses to shade their lawns while ours was exposed to the beaming sunlight. Did the lack of shade of trees cause the untimely death of the green? I watered from time to time but not as we should have. Did the deficiency in water depress the lawn? So what's the reason for the lawn to turn brown from green? My wonderful wife knows the answer - we failed to water. We were unfaithful to sprinkle water on the grass that they died.

The psalmist inscribed we are like trees rooted near waters of streams. The watering continues on and on and on. It never ends. The supply of water which refreshes the obedient will by no means run out. The irrigations of the earth will dry and produce cracks on soil yet God sends his living water in us for us to yield fruits in due season. We may never bear fruit each day, yet his river will continue to flow towards us to make sure we will produce at the right time and at the right place. If you think you will burn out and turn brown about to wither, think again. His streams of water will be more than enough to sustain our green, to keep us fresh and to give us moist. We will prosper not because of we know what to do or we have the skills to do so but we will thrive for a great harvest just like a tree with a non-stop delivery of water.

All these things may not be possible when we uproot ourselves from where we stand near his streams of water. When we take our own course, and say "I don't need the water anymore." or "I can live without water." or "I will remain fresh or will yield fruits even not near the streams." or "I can just use fertilizer on myself." or "I will prune myself." Like our lawn grass, given some time, you will turn brown.

God is faithful in watering his people. Let's receive his grace and his love. His mercy, let's welcome it in our hearts. Keep standing before him. He will never turn off the faucet.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Apostles R Us

And the apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith." Luke 17:5

By this time, they have seen so much.

If the gospel of Luke narrates Jesus' ministry in date sequence, the apostles have seen who Jesus is, what Jesus can do and what Jesus will do. The Twelve have seen Jesus perform miracles by this instance. They saw the healing of many sick people. They witnessed the feeding of multitudes with just few on the table. They have seen him transfigured. They heard him, with authority, forgive sins and know someone's thoughts. They have seen how Jesus calmed the storm. Even to the point, Peter declared that Jesus is the Messiah of God. They have learned from him through his parables and teachings. They have seen so much with their own eyes, heard so much with their ears, they were touched by him and they might have touched him, they ate with him, and they spent day and night with him. They knew him more than anyone else. They knew what Jesus is capable of.

If being with Jesus for two or more years, have given you that much, would you ask him, "Increase our faith." Seeing what he can do, what he'll do and who he is, would you come up to him and demand, "Increase our faith."

Sometimes, I feel, we are very unfair to the Twelve. For we use their lives with Jesus as our laboratory of reflections. We admire their strengths. We stand in ovation for their wisdom and resilience. We capitalize on their weaknesses. We build ourselves with their blunders. Just like here, I question, why come up with that request when you have seen so much of Jesus.

We know the answer, because we are them.

Recently, I was reviewing our current financial situation. In the end, looking at the past and forthcoming expenditures, I concluded we needed a small miracle, of about say two to three hundred dollars, to get through the month. During one evening as I was putting my daughters to sleep, they asked me about our financial situation. I said I will take care of that part as they would want to take care of their studies. Checking back that statement, I don't know where to get those extra hundred dollars. I am the only one working and no other source of income for the family. It's not that we are procrastinating but this is the law we have to follow as under an employment-based visa. As they got to sleep, I was praying to God, "Lord, let me see your hand in our finances." Yet, in my mind, there was no slight opening where we can get those dollars.

Early this week, my wife called me about a $300 check was sent to me by our former mortgage lender. It seems we overpaid them by that amount. This was God's hands in our lives!

So, we understand the apostles. We, too, have seen so much of Jesus. We have seen how his touch of healing to the unhealthy brought physical vigor. We heard a lot of stories of how he can make things happen. We have feasted on his providence all our lives. We have stared on his power of giving peace to a chaotic life. We know who he is. We know what he can do. We know what he will do.

We have seen so much of him, and yet, when there is no way in our way, we yield to the shadow of doubt. Just like the apostles, we pray to the Lord, "Increase our faith."

Monday, October 04, 2010


How's that for an all caps title?

As of this writing, my church, specifically, the bishops of the Catholic church in the Philippines are under fire. They took a stand against a congress proposed bill number 5403 called "Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2008" of the RH bill. The church has expressed its position on this bill ever since it was proposed.

But now, left and right, my church get all the punches. Proponents and supporters of the bill have harassed the bishops. Since other denominations have taken the other side of the fence, the Catholic church seems to be on its own. If you are a catholic supporting the stand of the church, you may be called idiot, hardcore, or being close-minded. T-shirts which are meant to put down the bishops flooded the internet.

When Raissa Laurel expressed her faith after being subjected to DLSU bombing, Filipinos made a quick salute. There is nothing wrong with that, I personally is inspired by Ms. Laurel. However, when the bishops express their faith together with their members against the RH bill, the opposite happens.

I love my church. For when my church expresses it's faith, beautiful things happen. Faith in christian education by providing the best possible education in the country (DLSU, ADMU, San Beda,  St. Paul, and St. Scho among others). Faith in the sacredness of democratic elections by guarding the votes (Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting or the PPCRV). Faith in action by feeding the poor, being a refuge for the homeless, caring for the old, housing the abused women and street children, and enabling the incapable (Caritas Manila, Anawim and CFC-Gawad Kalinga among others). Best and brightest schools, numerous hospitals in far flung areas, bringing health care through missions and free medical clinics, rescuing the abused, filling the stomach of the helpless, responding quickly during calamities - these are places and events where you will find my church expressing it's faith.

When I was younger, my old folks used to tell me to go home when the sun sets. I did not understand this for many of my playmates stayed on the streets after the street lights bring their flare. I questioned their approach on this. At some point, I inquired why I have to come home while other kids enjoyed their time under the moon. After ten or more years, I saw why. Those kids who stayed on in the dark street succumbed to drugs, to early marriages  and to crime while on the other hand, my siblings and I completed our education.

Today, people may not understand my church's take on the RH bill. Hopefully, weeks or months or years from now will be different.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Miss Job

In all this Job did not sin, nor did he say anything disrespectful of God. Job 1:22

Raissa Laurel twitted, "♪♪ Our God is greater.. Our God is stronger.. God, You are higher than any other.. ♪♪"

Who is Ms. Laurel?

She was a victim of the DLSU bombing during the bar examinations in Manila, Philippines. She should not have been there. Media described- Raissa was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe. She is only at her 2nd year at San Sebastian College Law school. As a result of the explosion, the 23 years old lass will have her two legs amputated. Tough future for the future lawyer. And yet, she praise God. She exalts Him. She magnifies God. She even expressed, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your prayers and support for my recovery! Our God is sovereign and He is in control of everything.. God bless us!" She was even confused with the media, "Disappointed with media.. Why are they twisting the story?.. Why can't they just understand that GOD IS WHERE I DRAW MY STRENGTH FROM?.."

Job lost everything he had, livelihood, family and his future. Raissa will lose her two legs, small compared to Job, you might say. However, for a young woman full of dreams, who was at the wrong place at the wrong time, she was a victim.  She was innocent. She has every reason to question what happened or what will happen to her. She must be angry with God or with the world. Instead, she still sings for God. She still confess the greatness of God. Like Job, she has remained faithful to God. She did not say anything, yes, anything that will insult God.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Miss Job.

Friday, October 01, 2010


Jesus answered and said to him, "Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this." And he said to him, "Amen, amen, I say to you, you will see the sky opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man." John 1:50-51

Where have you been? You answer this when you make your resume. This is the report of your resume. You detail your experience. You write your past work descriptions. You even try to sugarcoat some of the things you did so it can suit the vacancy. In the rat race called life, the employers emphasized the importance of your experience. Most of the time, they look into your past. They filter those whose past don't fit into their future.

Thanks be to God, he is not an employer.

Before Jesus came face to face with Nathanael, the future disciple gave a forgettable rhetoric, "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" He has not met Jesus yet. He has not seen Jesus yet. He has not heard Jesus yet. Yet, Nathanael has the bravado to speak like this?

Thanks be to God, Nathanael.  He does not mind if you spoke that way before you met him. He does not care if you made that judgment even prior to knowing him. He looks at you and accepts you even sooner than you looked at him differently. Jesus doesn't focus in your past. Jesus looks into your future.

Note Jesus' statements above, "you will see greater things than this…", "you will see the sky opened…" You will.  Those words perpetuate the future. Those words are forward looking. And those words were spoken by the Son of God. He doesn't ask us, "Where have you been?" He already knows that. Jesus is interested in, "Where are you going?" If you let go of our past, and decide to go with him, you will see greater things, you will see the sky opened.

Whatever your past is, you fit in God's future. You will.