Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Seen or Unseen

All that you see here--the days will come when there will not be left a stone upon another stone that will not be thrown down. Luke 21:6

I was riding with my boss, Mr. Rolando Bacani, and we were going to work when he asked me, “Did you know what happened in New York?” Since we are in the Philippines, I had no idea about it so I said, “No.” My boss continued our conversation and told me that there was a massive power blackout in the Northeastern part of the United States. That was in August of the year 2003. We were working on the power system operations side of the largest grid in the Philippines, Mr. Bacani as the Vice-President of the group was well verse on this kind of events. He told me there was one time he was presenting in Malacanang Palace about minimizing the risks of blackouts in the Philippines, he was asked if the government invested large of money in the grid if it would eliminate blackout. He replied a flat NO to the inquirer. He said any man-made infrastructure is deemed to fail at some point. He elaborated whatever intervention(s) done or will be done will not prevent any synthetic system to succumb given some time.

And he concurs with Jesus. Jesus said anything that we see here will be thrown down. Everything that we can look upon will fall down. A stone standing upon a stone will falter. Anything that is seen standing for now will kiss the earth. And Jesus was specific, “All that you see….”

So what will remain standing? All that is unseen. The unseen will not be thrown down. The unseen will not fall down.

God. God’s forgiveness. God’s mercy. God’s hands. Faith in Christ. Repentance. Hope in God. Love for God and others. Dependence in God. Zeal for His house.

And what does this tells us? Look for the unseen. Believe in what is unseen. Cling on Who is unseen.

Make a choice today. Seen or Unseen?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

All and Whole

He said, "I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood." Luke 21:3-4

We were settled as a family. Before coming to the United States in 2007, we have had a comfortable life in the Philippines. We have our own home. I have a stable job which was giving me a promising career. My family is well-off despite economic issues surrounding the country. As a family we had no problems with physical health and enjoyed fruitful relationships with our relatives, catholic community and friendship circles. When I got a job offer to work in the US, we felt this was God’s direction. Uprooting us from our comfortable life and a stable livelihood required more discernment however we decided to respond.

As we settled in our new home after living for two years in the United States, I thanked and praise God for enabling us. As the days went by, our family is living comfortable. There may be some new challenges in maintaining the house and paying for it yet my wife and daughters find haven in this place. My job is stable and the company I work for is reacting to the recession positively. My daughters are well adjusted with their schooling in our place. We have found new relationships with brothers and sisters who came from the same singles professionals group we used to be with in the Philippines.

And then I reflected on this story of the widow who gave her whole livelihood in God’s treasury. Her two cents may be too insignificant and may not be needed considering the amount that might be in the offertory but Jesus notices she gave her all and she gave it whole.

And the scenario gave me the usual chill. It’s about giving your all and whole to God. It may be insignificant and may not be needed as it seems but Jesus notices. We were settled in the Philippines. We were looking forward to stay put, but God said “Pack up!” and we responded by giving our all and whole. Now we are settled in the US, we are looking forward to stay put, if and when God says “Pack up!” and I pray may God give us the grace to respond and give our all and whole.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Everyday Teacher

And every day he was teaching in the temple area. Luke 19:47

Jesus gives us a lesson or two every day. He goes to the blackboard/whiteboard and discusses His mind and heart to us. He shows us the way towards Him. He keeps us posted to love God and our fellowmen. He points us to Him at a certain direction. He feeds us with His words which guide our path. He teaches. He instructs. Each day of our lives.

We may hear a new insight from the Teacher. A new inspiration that would make us renew the fervor in our hearts. A fresh revelation which catapults our hearts quickly to Him. Maybe we prayed and read the bible and the reflection jumped on us. It puts us in awe on how God works in our personal lives. It boosts our passion to give more of what we have to God. It keeps us in His company and friendship of believers.

We may hear a message of the past from the Teacher. And His letter reverberates like echoes yet we don’t respond. He keeps on bringing us the same word. He sends people or problems for us to learn this truth however the teaching seems too much for us. Maybe we close our hearts and minds for this specific lesson and God wants to assure us He is in control. Or we may not be attentive to this lesson that’s why it needed repetition. Or He is reminding us for what He did during yester times for us to look forward that Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Just like an effective school teacher, God may use aids to send us the lesson each day. He may utilize the bible, worship services, retreats, your spouse, your co-worker, your classmate, your children, a stranger, the internet, a preaching, a TV program, a radio station, a wholesome movie, the sun or the moon, etc. Jesus will use whatever or whoever around you to bring us His words of life. God will send multiple postmen to make sure the lesson is home with us. And the temple maybe your school, your home, your workplace, in the streets, or wherever you may be.

Just like a diligent and curious student, we must be attentive to His lessons. We open our hearts and minds each time we are in His classroom. We take note of the message to remember the truths of God and lies of the world. We take heart and reflect each message and apply them in our every day struggles and routine. We delight to listen to every word which would come out from the Teacher’s heart. We keep our eyes and minds from wandering as He is speaking to us.

It’s a great assurance that we are not fully knowledgeable before our God for He keeps teaching every day. We are not that wise not to learn from Him. We are not that intelligent not to sit down in His classroom. There’s too much to hear and apply from the Teacher. He keeps on teaching as we keep on learning from Him. There’s no holiday. There’s no vacation. There’s no end in our schooling.

Jesus teaches us every day. Listen.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Let Me See

What do you want me to do for you? He replied, "Lord, please let me see." Luke 18:41

I am not physically blind. However, sometimes I do not see. In the past weeks, I have been receiving a good amount of personal preaching from my wife. She has been reminding me of God’s work and providence in our lives. I was worrying about how we can keep our finances within our control ever since we moved in into our new home. We have to put some savings into necessary maintenance of the house. We are paying our loan in the Philippines. We have some outstanding balances in our credit cards. I was worrying what if the tax credit will not be approved? As the company I work for is tightening its belt, I was thinking how can we get through? And my wife took the pulpit. She told me we have gone this far, she can’t see any reason why God will not lead us now. She said God has given us these blessings, and it would be illogical if God will not continue to bless us to take care of His blessings. She preached to me to keep believing and being still in these times and wait for God’s hand to work.

Just like the blind man in Jericho, I have my share of rebuke. My faith is being rebuked with human understanding. My dependence in God is being silenced by laws of economics. But unlike in Jericho, Jesus is not just passing by in my life He is here to stay with me. What more can I ask for! And as the blind man called out on Jesus all the more as he was told to be silent, the more I should believe and put my faith in Jesus in the midst my own understanding and economics theory.

The man from Jericho and me, we are both blind to an extent. And with Jesus asking, “What do you want me to do for you?” We share a common reply, "Lord, please let me see."

Ever After

And then they will see 'the Son of Man coming in the clouds' with great power and glory… Mark 13:26

At first hindsight, it would be a very scary time. With the tribulation ending, the sky will not emit light so as with the moon. Darkness will cover the universe. Darkness will cover us. Light will come only from artificial sources. The stars will lose their place from the heavens and find other space to fill. The elements in the universe will move as though they are shaking. It seems order will be no more. Falling and shaking will take more power over gravity. And this scene scares the better out of us.

But it should not.

Because the Son of Man comes riding on the clouds with greater power and glory after that scene!

And because this will be the end and this will be the beginning.

Give me anything that hurt you most, death, sickness, broken dysfunctional families, betrayal, poverty, indifference, self-centeredness, greed, unfaithfulness, etc. Give me anything that makes your world, our world imperfect. Give me anything which makes us imperfect. When He comes, all of these things will end. Those things will be memoirs of the past. Those things will have no place in our vocabulary.

Only good things will be experienced when He comes to reign over His elect. Perfection, holiness, life abundance and goodness will begin in us and will have no end. Righteousness, selflessness, single-heartedness and single-mindedness will begin in us and will have no end. We will join Him in His everlasting kingdom.

And this is not a fairy tale. This is reality. This is our reality. When He comes with power and glory, we will live with Him. Ever after.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Losing Our Identity

Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it. Luke 17:33

Identity theft is life theft. In the United States, people prevent their identity from being stolen. A stolen identity is disastrous and very chaotic. You do not know you have this loan from one bank or lending office. Some banks or sellers may visit you in your place and tell you that you owe that much money from them. You might have another credit card in your name that is not with you. Your purchases from your credit card(s) will be highly berserk. When someone steals your identity, they assume your life. They carry your name. They pose to be you. If not handled well, you may lose your job. You may lose your home. You may lose your life.

In our relationship with God, we are called to lose our identity. We are encouraged to lose our lives for Him. We are not called to save it. We deliberately give our lives to Him, He does not steal it. And when we lose it for Him, we assume Jesus’ life here on earth. We act not on our behalf. We do things His way. We think the way He thinks. We enter the ark and stay inside. We look forward and not turn back, exactly opposite of Lot’s wife. We stay on the housetop, fix our eyes to the heavens, and not secure our earthly belongings inside our house. We continue to work in our mission field and not come back where we have come from. And when we lose our life for Him, He saves it.

Lose it to Him rather than to anyone else.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Fixed to Stand Firm

Through all generations your truth endures; fixed to stand firm like the earth. Psalm 119:90

He had a promising career as an accountant and he was my high school buddy. When he got employed with an industrial facility in our local export processing zone, they picture him to raise the ranks. When a leftist group infiltrated the employees union, he was in the middle. He decided to join the union’s protest strike. He was fired and had a family to feed. He tended his family by driving a public utility vehicle. But then again, the vehicle used for his livelihood, he utilizes when the leftist group had street protest rallies. Once, I approached him why he was wasting his life in a defeated ideology. The ideals of their group had fought for a long time but never had victory. Their leaders succumb and most of the time, leave their troops. The group had changes in faces but their struggle remains in vain. This movement has been toppled in countries which used to be governed by this type of regime. The message they shout does not stand for generations. I told him it’s not worthy of his life.

God’s truth endures forever, through all generations. It is fixed to stand firm. When Jesus died, it was not a defeated feat. No history fact would cite that God and His word surrendered to the forces. Christianity have been questioned and doubted, but it does not diminish its truth. Christians have been persecuted and secluded yet more and more people experience conversion to Christ. Logic has provided a rebuttal to God’s presence yet we still hope in what we do not see or touch. Religions have risen and fallen but the church which Christ built still stands. God’s truth is not toppled. God’s message of love does not fade in the air. God’s truth stands in the face of opposition. His message of truth is fixed to stand firm. It’s not temporary erected, it is permanently upright. It’s unchanging and not variable.

His truth is fixed to stand firm and it’s worthy of our lives.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Along the Way

As they were going they were cleansed. Luke 17:14

Some healing came instantly. But this is not the case with the ten lepers. They were healed and cleansed of their skin disease as they were going along the way. As they were walking to show themselves to the priests, their skin became clear, then clearer then clearest. With each step, their skin sickness was being repealed. With each stride, their skin was looking flawless from being fatal. With each pace, leprosy was becoming fantasy. They were not healed instantly; the healing was gradual, they were cleansed along the way.

We have been there. God has provided healing and helping in an instant for us. However, there are certain areas in our Christian life which are not completely restored. We have to deal with these things day in and day out. We have to contend with our physical weaknesses and succumbing health concerns every time. We box with our temptations minute by minute. We face our human sand papers in our homes and offices every day. We will deal with our imperfections for the rest of our lives.

Here is my suggestion:

Continue going to God. Along the way, we will be healed.
Continue walking with God. Along the way, we will be restored.
Continue stepping forward. Along the way, we will see clearly.

Keep going. Keep walking. One thing is sure and certain, along the way we will experience His healing grace. Along the way and when complete restoration happens, give thanks to Jesus.

Unprofitable Servant

So should it be with you. When you have done all you have been commanded, say, "We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do." Luke 17:10

For the past ten or more years, I was at the forefront of action in Christian community building and sustaining. I thought I was an invaluable asset to my brothers and sisters in community. I served in a college movement that spread around the largest universities and colleges in our province of Pampanga. We organized conferences and seminars for large audience and small groups of support for college students. I was involved in continuing the work for single working professionals. After a year, our singles group was recognized as a fully governing branch by the national office and will celebrate our 17th anniversary this year. Overall, my contribution was acknowledged as I was appointed into regional and national positions in both college and singles movements. I was given the chance, with other members, to start-up a covenant community for the growing maturity in our local area.

I was expecting I would be valuable, when I arrived in the United States; I was looking for a way to actively serve God the way I did in the Philippines. Yet, after about two years of living in the US, I am inactive in doing the same stuff. I was involved in a catholic community; however, their way of life is very different with what I have grown with. We have an affiliate community three hours away from where we live and this distance makes us inaccessible with the said group.

And then this passage came like a steady lightning. I am an unprofitable servant. Since He already owns everything, God does not get something in return with what I have done, with what I am about to do or with what I am not doing. I have done what has been called for me to do and was privileged to do so. If He calls me to do this or that, it would be my benefit, not His benefit. His kingdom will continue to grow with or without my involvement. If He gives me something to work on, it would be for my growth, not for His kingdom to grow. His harvest will be reaped even without my hands in the plow. If my hands are armed with a sickle, it does not add to His crop.

As an unprofitable servant, my contributions are like a negligible puff in His mighty wind. With or without my negligible puff, His mighty wind will blow. But I am readying my lungs, when my negligible puff is called to join in.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


He found in the temple area those who sold oxen, sheep, and doves, as well as the money-changers seated there. He made a whip out of cords and drove them all out of the temple area, with the sheep and oxen, and spilled the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables, and to those who sold doves he said, "Take these out of here, and stop making my Father's house a marketplace." John 2:14-16

The disciples saw one of the ways how Jesus practiced His preaching. On this day, He showed His followers what it takes to be a Son of the Father. He lived what the scripture relates to be consumed with the zeal for the house of God. He lashed out what is not of the Father's house. He distinguished what do not belong to the place of worship. Jesus provided His apostles a main lesson - no personal business in the Father's business. And in this manner, He came strong to drive home the point. He had a whip on His hand and with no discrimination, Jesus pushed them all out of the temple.

God's place is not a marketplace.
The place of worship is not a financial district.
The temple is not Wall Street.
The church is not the stock market.
The Christian community is not a real estate industry.

We have financial responsibilities in life. We have to take care of our families. We have to have sources of income while loving and serving God. Pastors, priests and full-time missionaries must be taken cared financially to continue the work called for them. On the other hand, if we make our ministry as our business then we are no different with the folks who were bolted out of the temple. If we enriched ourselves using God's house as our office, wait for Jesus to escort us on the way to the exit. If the pulpit assigned to us generates more income for us than it generates more conversion, its time to question what kind of zeal is in us. If the gifts given to us provide more assets to us than it sustain commitment to Christ of our people, bring out the whip of Jesus.

Its not a surprise that some of the disciples lived and died as fishermen while they led the church. Its no wonder why Paul has to work as a tent maker as he was doing his mission.

STOP making the Father's house a marketplace. I did not say that. Jesus did.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Our Ministree

One generation praises your deeds to the next and proclaims your mighty works. Psalm 145:4

I believe I was in grade 1 or 2 when I watched men and women come together in our yard for worship. My parents were members of this charismatic movement that was blazing the Catholic Church during that time. I saw people singing to God. Saw them raising their hands in worship to Jesus. They discussed the Bible with fervor and passion as never before. Though the group did not last for long, my parents were keen in bringing their eight children closer to God. My mother lined us up for the Eucharist every Sunday. They encouraged their children to serve actively in the church. I was an altar boy and at the same time joined the church choir from time to time. We prayed together as family every time the street rosary was with our home in one week. Celebrating religious or holiday feasts will not be without the Holy Mass is a trademark family tradition. Acknowledging God's work in our family was vocally expressed.

If you are looking for a ministry, look at your family tree. Look inside your home for evangelization. Go for Jesus' revival in your own residential tent. Pass on your life with God to your children. Hand out new life in Christ from fathers to sons. Transfer the Good News from mothers to daughters. Move God from parents to children.

Let me enumerate some practical ideas:

* Be a model disciple of Jesus to your kids
* Pray with your children
* Have a Bible sharing with your children (e.g. choose the Gospel Reading for Sunday)
* Tell Bible stories to your kids
* Bring your kids where you worship God
* Serve with them in church/community
* Encourage your church/community to have their children formation
* Enrol your kids in bible schools

The psalmist reiterates from one generation to the next, God's deeds and works are praised and proclaimed. We pass on our godly heritage to our shoots. We transfer our Christianity to our children.

Our family tree is our ministree.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Moving One Another

None of us lives for oneself, and no one dies for oneself. Romans 14:7

I guess, I thought I can do it. And I was proven wrong. With three ladies and a man in our family, moving our things from our apartment to our new home seems to be a gigantic task. I was moving things I can carry and load in our vehicle from day to day. However, we have two sofas, one queen-sized bed plus another twin-sized bed, a small dining table and other stuff which I alone cannot lift. Well, my wife can carry but limited only to two to five pounds. Our daughters can carry their belongings up only up to maybe two pounds, too. Talking about having me as the only man in their lives. This was the spot where I asked for the help of our friends willing to lift our heavy stuff. They came and willingly carried us. They moved us. They sent us from one point to another. And so in one November weekend, we were able to move in our new home.

Paul exhorts God's people to do the same. Move one another for none of us lives as his own and none of us dies as his own. Everyone has burdens to carry. Some burdens are light and can be carried personally. Most burdens can be carried only through helping one another. If you think you can carry your heavy load by yourself, you are wrong. If you think others can carry their heavy load by themselves, you are wrong. When your baggage's weight is more than you think you can lift, be humble to ask for someone to help you move from your old place to your new place. If you happen to know somebody who needs your extra time and listening heart, be quick to respond, come willingly and move that somebody into a place of comfort. More hearts make burdens easy. More hands make moving easy. Lift one another's load. Carry each other's burden. Bring up one another's baggage. And so one day, together, we shall move in to our new Home.

Hoping in God

LORD, my heart is not proud; nor are my eyes haughty. I do not busy myself with great matters, with things too sublime for me. Rather, I have stilled my soul, hushed it like a weaned child. Like a weaned child on its mother's lap, so is my soul within me. Israel, hope in the LORD, now and forever. Psalm 113

It's a short psalm yet it portrays how we should hope in the LORD. Sometimes, insightful message need not to be in novels but in small conveyance.

So how does this psalm reflects our hope in God?

Your heart and vision direct where your hope lies.

If your heart is full of yourself, then your hope lies in you. When your life is in turmoil and proudly cast your hope in what you have in you, your hope lies in your wherewithal. If your eyes see you are bigger than God, your hope lies in you. When your vision looks to your security where God is not in the frame, your hope lies in what you can do or what other people can do. Whenever you need something or about to do more than what you used to do, if your heart depends on you and your eyes look to yourself, hope does not lie in God.

Your hope lies in God whatever great things or magnificent matters you are facing.
David might be facing tough challenges. He might be having matters greater than his capacity or skills. Yet, these great things or magnificent matters do not keep him busy. It does not make him startled. He is not worried. He is not moved. His hope is God. We are called to be like that. Problems, typhoons, dirty politics in government, job insecurity will confront our lives. These things will not get us busy. We will not be moved. We will not be worried. Our hope is in God.

Hope is dependence in God.

David illustrates dependence in God as a weaned child sitting on a mother's lap. A weaned child is one who has stopped nursing milk from the mother and started to have solid food intake. A weaned child, in effect, has gained independence and is detached from the mother. However, David points to a weaned child still dependent and still attached to the mother. When we have grown as a child at some point we take independence from our parents, but not in our relationship with God. The more you grow, the more we should be rooted in God. You have been following Jesus for five months, ten years, more than a decade, twenty years or more, your call in your first day with the LORD remains the same - depend on God. Our souls are stilled in God alone.

Friends, now and forever - hope in the LORD.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Squandered Service

Then he also said to his disciples, "A rich man had a steward who was reported to him for squandering his property." Luke 16:1

I was looking for a good feeling and timing to write a good blog since I have been tired for the past days. I am busy with work and home. I cannot focus on my personal prayer. I was thinking this is another slump. I decided to write one when I feel better and when the timing is right for me.

As I write this one, I realized that I do not own any of my service to God. Yes, we own our ministry for His glory thus to take accountability and responsibility to any work called for us. Yet, our service is not on paper owned by us. It is owned by God.

He is the proprietor. The land title has His name. The vehicle is registered on His behalf.

So why squander His property? Why squander His service?

We do it our way and not His way.
We do it on our time and not on His time.
We say or write our words not His words.
We are self-centered not Christ-centered.
We proclaim ourselves not Jesus as Lord and Savior.
We cling to our skills and resources not on His grace.
We take the applause rather than saying "Not to us but to You oh God!"

We serve not because we deserve to be serving. We serve for He alone is deserving of our time and effort. When we serve Him, we are stewards of His property. We submit our service according to the directions of the Lord of the service. We speak and move in His instructions.