Saturday, November 14, 2009

Losing Our Identity

Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it. Luke 17:33

Identity theft is life theft. In the United States, people prevent their identity from being stolen. A stolen identity is disastrous and very chaotic. You do not know you have this loan from one bank or lending office. Some banks or sellers may visit you in your place and tell you that you owe that much money from them. You might have another credit card in your name that is not with you. Your purchases from your credit card(s) will be highly berserk. When someone steals your identity, they assume your life. They carry your name. They pose to be you. If not handled well, you may lose your job. You may lose your home. You may lose your life.

In our relationship with God, we are called to lose our identity. We are encouraged to lose our lives for Him. We are not called to save it. We deliberately give our lives to Him, He does not steal it. And when we lose it for Him, we assume Jesus’ life here on earth. We act not on our behalf. We do things His way. We think the way He thinks. We enter the ark and stay inside. We look forward and not turn back, exactly opposite of Lot’s wife. We stay on the housetop, fix our eyes to the heavens, and not secure our earthly belongings inside our house. We continue to work in our mission field and not come back where we have come from. And when we lose our life for Him, He saves it.

Lose it to Him rather than to anyone else.

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