Sunday, October 24, 2010


Brothers and sisters : I, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace:.. Ephesians 4:1-3

We should have read the following:

Brothers and sisters: I, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to visit me twice a day. Schedule one by one so that I have company each hour in my prison cell. Contact all connections you have, use your influence so I may be free in no time. Collect all what you can collect among the believers for the judge has set my bail to a very stiff amount. Have you heard yet from my attorney? I am having doubts about the lawyer you recommended, he is not following up the proceedings of my case and I was told he was always at the side of the defeated end at each court battle. My fellow prisoners here at the facility have been staring at me with eyes of doom just like I stared at the early believers whom I have persecuted. I don't like prison food. I don't like prison clothes. I don't like prison bedding. I don't like prison bathroom. I don't like being in prison. Pray for me, I am losing heart and courage.

Glad we did not. Glad we saw Paul's encouragement though he was the one who needed it. He urged them: live in a manner worthy of the call you received. He advised them: with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love. He rallied them to be one: strive to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. He was the one in a dark prison cell yet he was the one who was shedding light. He was the one who was needing directions yet he showed them the path. He should have let himself all alone in one cold corner and question God about what is happening with his mission but he did not.

Huh, this is what Paul did. He requested the warden for his hands to be free from being handcuffed. He asked the prison guard for a table and a chair. He sat and reach for his bag and his hands wander for his pen and paper. And he wrote those words. Words that call the called to live the calling. Words which brings the proud to the ground and to the heart. Words that make the divided into one.

Can we be like Paul? If you are prisoner of a terminal disease, may you have the words and prayers for healing of the patient at the other room. If you are a prisoner of financial difficulties, may you continue to share what you have. If you are a cellmate of  trouble in fulfilling God's mission, may you maintain the heart for others. When you are a prisoner of life's uncertainty, may you be quick to admonish and help friends. When you are a prisoner of pride, may you lift up the lowly and poor in spirit.

May you please finish this blog? Brothers and sisters: Your Name, a prisoner for the Lord,.......

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