Saturday, July 03, 2010


And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18

Jesus gave him his assignment. We all know what happened here. Jesus asked his disciples about who do people say He is. In the end of the reports, Jesus inquired about who is He for the twelve. Peter, in one of His rare greatest vocal feat, exclaimed "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." (v. 16). And the Savior gave him his assignment - rock of the church.

This is the same Simon who knows how to fish and knows not how to preach. This is the same Simon who knows how to sail and knows not how to declaim. But one thing we know about Simon, now Peter, he knows the Christ. He knew his assignment because he knew Jesus.

Note this. His assignments evolved as his knowledge of the Christ has grown. Simon was healing the sick when he knew Jesus is the Healer. Simon was feeding thousands when he knew Jesus is the Provider. Simon was driving out evil spirits when he knew Jesus was being obeyed even by demons. Simon is the rock when he knew Jesus is the Rock of Salvation.

Remember yours?

You arranged chairs for the prayer meeting for you knew Jesus is arranging your life for Him. You help out in retreats when you knew Jesus is your only Help in times of distress. You kept the group's finances when you knew Jesus is your Treasure who never recedes. You were part of the music ministry when you knew Jesus is the Song of your life. You were a part of the planning team when you knew Jesus is the Planner who plans to give you a future and a hope.

Want to know yours?

Walk with Him, talk to Him daily. Keep your prayer time. Bring Him to your work and see Him work. Follow Him wherever, whenever, however. Read God's word and treasure Jesus' life.

Know Jesus and know your assignment.

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