Thursday, July 15, 2010


Which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor to the robbers' victim?" He answered, "The one who treated him with mercy." Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise." Luke 10:36-37

In Twitter, there is a way to retweet what was twitted by a friend. If the person you are following in Twitter expressed a memorable phrase, chances are you can retweet those words. If a person who is a celebrity twitted about you, chances are you will retweet those words. When a person in Twitter twits about his or her take on one issue, you can bet those words will be retweeted by his or her followers. This is one illustration of what was expressed is what you will express. It is about photocopying what was printed.

Jesus encouraged one scholar of the law to do this. When the scholar identified who acted as a neighbor to the victim in the parable, Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise." Jesus was saying this is what he did, then also do this. The Lord was telling him, the Good Samaritan expressed this, express this, too. The Samaritan cared for the victim, care for others, too. The Samaritan provided for the victim, provide for the needy, too.

Jesus is pointing this important lesson - don't just be satisfied in knowing who is doing good, do what is good.

We know someone who loved the unlovable, love your enemies. We know that person gives generously, give until it hurts. We know somebody who is faithful until the end, run the race with perseverance and pray for endurance to do so. We know someone who cares for the orphans, go to the streets and gather the children. We know a brother who keeps his calm in times of distress, fix your eyes in Jesus when trouble comes. We know a sister who is all out for God; give what you have to Jesus. You see a church member who keeps her commitment, fulfill your covenant. You know a friend who is loyal to his wife, love your spouse to the fullest.

It's not illegal to copy in this case. It's legal to, "Go and do likewise." It's time to retweet.

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