Monday, July 19, 2010

Better Part

"There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her." Luke 10:42

I want my daughters to pay attention in attending the holy mass. We teach them how to participate and appreciate the presence of God in the Eucharist. Yet, since they are kids, things go the opposite way. If they talk to their mother, I remind them to get back and face the priest. If they suddenly want to go to the bathroom, I am seemingly disgusted. If they creep towards their mom and hug her, my eyes roll on them. As a result, I am distracted with my prayers and meditation during the mass.

The same result happened in Martha's household. Martha was distracted with many things. The meals to be prepared. The dinner table at the kitchen. Washing of the utensils. Mary at the feet of Jesus. Thus, Jesus told her, "Mary has chosen the better part..."

Like Martha, I have chosen to be anxious about my daughters to participate rather than praise and worship God. I have chosen to be worried about my girls' feet loitering around rather than sitting at the feet of Christ during the holy mass.

You might be there....

You can't focus since your finances are not financing you.
Your heart is troubled for news reached you about your parent's decrementing health.
The job you have is not sitting permanently and this is giving you restlessness.
Distracted by your preparation for your ministry meeting.
Anxious about your exhortation next prayer meeting.
Worried about what will be your topic in the next small group meeting.

Many things may distract us. Many things may give us worries. Choose not to be troubled. Choose not to be anxious. Choose to sit at His feet. Choose the better part.

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