Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Walk the Talk

When Jesus finished giving these commands to his twelve disciples, he went away from that place to teach and to preach in their towns. Matthew 11:1

He commanded them to come to the towns. Jesus came to the towns.
He commanded them to teach. Jesus taught.
He commanded them to preach. Jesus preached.

In here, we reflect how walk the talk is practiced by our Lord. He was leading them yet he was also a follower. He was pointing them to a certain direction and he went to that direction. He was speaking about something to be done and he did what was said.

Can we follow Jesus' example?

You tell your kids to be courageous in the face of challenges in school. Be courageous in your challenges in raising your family.

You tell your kids to keep their promises. Fulfill your commitments.

You keep saying to your kids to be generous. Have you sent your monthly pledge for the mission?

You tell your spouse don't talk about other people's life. Watch out your speech about your co-worker.

You encourage the brothers and sisters to be faithful. Don't get tired and don't grow weary in doing good.

You motivate people to keep their daily prayer time. Kneel and listen to Him.

You write about living for God. Live for Him.

You preach about serving Him alone. Serve with gladness, in small or big ways.

Lead and follow. Command and work your hands. You can do this. We can do this. Let's walk the talk.

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