Thursday, July 08, 2010

Free Agents

While he was saying these things to them, an official came forward, knelt down before him, and said, "My daughter has just died. But come, lay your hand on her, and she will live." A woman suffering hemorrhages for twelve years came up behind him and touched the tassel on his cloak. Matthew 9:18, 20

As of this writing, NBA players under free agency are meeting with several interested team managers and officials. Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh among others are the most met ball payers this summer. The team officials throw their pitch to these players of what they offer, what are their plans and how much they can offer. For example, Lebron is being wooed by New York Knicks, Miami Heat, Los Angeles Clippers, Chicago Bulls and his present or former team, Cleveland Cavaliers. Offers include player's contract plus business opportunities plus other perks are being laid unto him. In all these offers, the player is free to choose. He is free to select which team will give him what he needs to be a champion more than the money they can pay him. Multiple teams will come to him, but he will come to only one. He will come to the one team he believes he will find what he is playing for - an NBA championship.

The official was a free agent, too. He is free to choose what he is going to do with his dead daughter. He can choose to let go of her. He can choose to bury her. He can choose to bring her to somebody who claims to give life, and that's what he chose. He chose to come to Jesus. He chose to kneel before Him and beg Him on behalf of his beloved daughter. He chose to come to the One he believed he will find life amidst death.

The woman suffering with hemorrhages was another free agent. She is free to choose what she will do with her twelve years old sickness. She can just give up. She can just go on with her life day by day with pain. She can choose to come to someone who heals health and heart, and that's what she chose. She chose to come to Jesus. She chose to come closer to Him up to the point she could touch Him. She chose to come to the One she believed she will find healing amidst pain.

Daily, we are being offered what we will do with life. We choose between hundreds of offers. We choose every second. We choose what can happen next minute. We choose what we are in the coming years. We choose, for we are free to choose. And we will choose only one at any time. Hopefully, among offers which come to us, we will come to the One we believe we will find life and healing.

Choose Jesus.

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