Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Independence and Friendship

Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest." Luke 10:2

4th of July. For Americans, its Independence day. This is the day what we call Filipino-American Friendship day in the Philippines. One would wonder why we have the reading above on this day. Two words- Independence and Friendship.

"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few..."

Independence. Some laborers took off on their own ways. They were one with the field owner once but they set-up their own shop. Part of this group went on to plow other field which they thought found worthy of their time. Part of this group grew impatient. They spent time looking for the harvest and not at the Lord of the harvest. Some laborers are still in the field, but they are still. They just hang around. They just look at the wall clock going around. Some laborers are still in the field yet they think highly of themselves, they do things without consulting the Lord of the harvest. They think they are doing Him a favor not the other way around.

"...so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest."

Friendship. Be friends with the Master. Sit down and talk with the Lord of the harvest. Ask the Master what you need, whom you need, when you need, where you need. Ask the Master to bring up the newbies. Ask the Master to build up the not so confident. Ask the Master to bring back those who were once part of the field crew. Ask the Master to grant patience to those who can't wait for harvest time. Ask the Master to revive the complacent. Ask the Master to humble the wise guys. When we ask, we are admitting its the Master who matters not the laborers.

We have a huge harvest. We are still short of manpower.

Don't be independent from the Master. Have friendship with Him.

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