Sunday, February 06, 2011

Stay Not Away

We should not stay away from our assembly, as is the custom of some, but encourage one another, and this all the more as you see the day drawing near. Hebrews 10:25

His jaw dropped.

Upon hearing this, "We travel a total six hours to attend prayer meetings and have fellowship with brothers and sisters." Though we do this once a month or seldom twice, there are considerable practical considerations for doing so. Packing for overnights. Physical toll. Payments for toll and gas. Weekends given away. Girls get bored on the long travel. McDo stops, bad for health. Minivan gets more mileage. Very tired father-driver. All these issues are overshadowed by one reason.

We want to stay not away.

Keep in touch with the assembly. Be part of a community. Be given support and be present to provide support. Share God's work and work for God. More than just attending and having fun, we encourage one another. We share our trials and victories. We open our difficulties and bring out triumphs. We talked about our weaknesses and build on our strengths. We speak with one another and we listen to one another. This is staying together. This is coming together. This is assembling for God and for each other.

When you come to the church, a prayer gathering or a support group meeting, be sure to stay not away.

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