Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Now when the Pharisees with some scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around him,.. Mark 7:1

They followed him like his disciples.

Yes, the Pharisees and scribes. Ever since Jesus began his ministry, they were there. They walked with him. They might have ate with him. They listened to what he said. They looked at his actions. His last step is as important as his next, for these Pharisees and scribes. They were like Peter, John, James and Andrew. They closely observed Jesus.

Mark puts it this way, "Now when the Pharisees with some scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around him,..". Man, they stick like glue. However, they are not there to follow him. They are near him to give him questions. They throw their inquiries to cast doubts on his real followers. They examine him like a CSI agent analyzes a crime scene. Their sentences always starts with "Why".

That was centuries ago. Today, Pharisees won't be around you. But questions and doubts are encircling you.

"Why a lay-off?"
"Why a sickness?"
"Why a chaotic family life?"
"Why a stumbling block ahead?"
"Why death?"
"Why a dead end job?"
"Why poverty exists in our nation?"
"Why spiritual growth is slow?"
"Why bad things happen to good people?"
"Why global warming?"
"Why a rebel child lives in your home?"

You know what? It is good to ask questions and cast your doubts to Jesus. As long as you ask them with a sincere heart wanting to be enlightened. Don't be like these Pharisees trying to trap him or trying to trick him.

In both situations Jesus is at the center. The difference is this, for the Pharisees, Jesus is at the center of the problem. For the believers, Jesus is at the center of the solution.

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