Sunday, July 05, 2009

Under My Feet

“Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies under your feet.” Mark 12:36

There I was. On our rooftop.

This is one of my “moments”. I sit facing the sky. Relaxing after a school day or helping out in our small family business. Munching pineapple chunks, which my mother is saving for a possible fruit salad dish for the fiesta. Each time I am here, I feel ecstatic and maybe victorious. For everything is under my feet.

All right, expose all your enemies, my friend. Something which makes your life not easy. Something which makes your life not fiesta. Something which makes your life a mixed up like a fruit salad. Can I help you?

* Weakness or habitual sin
* Dwindling family finances
* Declining family health
* Personal and professional concerns at work
* Rocking and not rolling marriage
* Stressed out of living in a corruption laden country
* Difficult relationships in church or community
* Complacency in following Christ
* Self-righteousness and pride
* etc and etc.

Look up to your God. Feel ecstatic. Hope for victory. Sit back. God will put you on the rooftop. His promise, He will place your enemies under your feet.

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