Monday, January 24, 2011

Ending of Mending

He walked along from there and saw two other brothers, James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John. They were in a boat, with their father Zebedee, mending their nets. He called them, and immediately they left their boat and their father and followed him. Matthew 4:21-22

The brothers were mending their nets.

Of course, they are fishermen. Mending nets might be before and after putting the nets into the deep to catch fishes. For fishermen, it means a lot. They need to have healthy, holes free, strong and dependable nets in anticipation for a great haul of catch. So, they fix it. They restore it. They tie the loosened. They patch the holes. They prepare and repair their main tool. They identify where it needs to be whole again.
But the mending has an ending.

Jesus calls the ones who are mending. He called them to follow him. At once, they left whatever they are mending. Is this a sign that they found Somebody who will cover the holes not in their nets but in their hearts? With no hesitation, they followed him, who will make them whole. They followed the One who can and who will complete them. Jesus who will mend anything broken and destroyed, and make them new.

Are you mending? A broken heart. A shattered career. A marriage about to go in separate ways. A church full of holes. An unstable boy-girl relationship. A ministry which is in pieces.

Tired of all these mending? End the mending by following. Allow Jesus to bring you to fullness. Fix to him your eyes, give to him your heart. He will make one and will unite divided dreams, relationships and families. He alone will complete you. No life broken in thousand pieces he can't mend. He builds up. He restores. He refreshes. He revives. He completes.

For James and John, and for you, there's an ending to the mending.

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