Saturday, January 22, 2011

Continue Loving, Continue Serving

For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love you have demonstrated for his name by having served and continuing to serve the holy ones. Hebrews 6:10

Heroic acts of people were not have gone unnoticed in the recent tragic Tucson shooting. Time magazine picked up these stories...

76 year old Dorwan Stoddard made a sand bag out of himself to shield his wife from the wandering lethal bullets.

Another loving husband, George Morris, did the same thing. He got two bullets in his body but another escaped and killed his wife.

Four men and a woman did not think twice to stop the shooter. They put their lives on the line not only for them but for others to live.

And who would forget Daniel Hernandez, intern for the Congresswoman Giffords who was shot, he rushed to do first aid on Giffords.

You know what? God picks up your heroic acts, too.

He noticed the times you arranged the chairs for the prayer meeting. He knows how many times you brought food to the hungry. He hears the songs you sing in the music ministry. He notes the way you go out of your comfort zone to bring a friend to the faith. He remembers the events when you gave words of encouragement even if you are discouraged. He doesn't forget when you paid the bus fare of someone who was raring to go home yet had no money.

Your service out of love for him and his children are bookmarked by him. Like highlighted words in a book, your work to forward his kingdom is magnified in his eyes. He is a just God who gives credit to where it is due.

It gives us affirmation in our devotion. It encourages us to keep on loving and serving. It gives us this joy that in every small or big charity we do in our church and outside of it would count in God's memorabilia.

Continue to love. Continue to serve. Continue.

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