Monday, June 08, 2009

Armed with His Presence

And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age. Matthew 28:20

I was giving these technical trainings to fellow TRANSCO engineers, all seasoned with various experience. Every time I come before them I feel anxious and have the nerves since they can inquire on difficult relationship of my lecture and their actual practice. Their questions range from theory to reality. As I proclaim technical lessons for the seminar, my manager sits at the back. When I get the hardest hit of query, my manager bails me out. He stands up to bring light to the issue under discussion. I have all the theories and limited experience in my mind but his presence is my greatest arm.

The disciples are sent to proclaim the gospel. Make disciples out of the disciples. Their three years with Jesus might be enough to lean onto. Their hearts which heard the teachings of the Messiah might back them up. The life they shared with the Master might bring things in place. On the other hand, Jesus sends the disciples, not reminding them of the three years of experience being with Him, but telling them to hold on to His presence. To be mindful that He is with the disciples always until the end. Be confident for He is with us. He is telling His disciples, "Depend on My presence." Depend not on your skills. Depend not on your abilities. Depend not on your talents. Depend not on your expertise. Depend not on your gifts.

We have Jesus with us always as we go where He sends us. We are armed with His presence.

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