Monday, March 09, 2009

Jesus is Constant

"Suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone but Jesus alone with them." Mark 9:8

When we came as a family to the place where we live now, we realized we have no friends or relatives near in our area. We left a grid of relationships in the Philippines. We celebrated our successes and pondered on our failures with the men and women who stuck with us through the years. We were surrounded by a flock of angels without wings. They have been a constant source of love and support. Coming to a place where you don't have the same tested fellowship and friendships brought us to a realization that Jesus alone stays when everyone else is not beside us. We have to depend in Him alone.

In this life of ours, people in our lives may not remain since we can come and go. They bring us life but that life has its end. They bring us joy but that joy has its finish line. Jesus is with us with or without these persons. And suddenly when you look around to search for friends and you no longer see their shadows, you see Jesus alone with you. He is a steady friend and companion. More so, when everybody is not there to support you, you have Jesus. When you don't have persons to share your ups and downs, you have Jesus. When you have no one else, you have Jesus. Jesus alone is constant is our lives. Jesus sticks it out with us. Jesus alone stays with us wherever we go or wherever He sends us. Friends, recognize and thank the Lord Jesus for being constant in each of our lives.

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