Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Giving Mercy

Jesus said to his disciples: «Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Luke 6:36

It makes sense.

To give mercy, or to be merciful. For people in poverty. For the abused. For the forgotten. For the worker who was laid-off. For the family relative who is not making ends meet. For the dead who was misdiagnosed. For the victims of massacres or heinous crimes. For the street dwellers, homeless and cold.

Can you also be merciful to people who are above the above persons? Government officials who are rich and who lives as if there are no poor in their community. People who deliberately deny the existence of the forgotten people. The boss who fired the worker. The relative who has much but don't want to share. The doctor who did the mistake in the diagnosis. The culprits behind the death of the massacre victims. The people who are in power who can make a difference in the lives of the homeless yet they don't.

Remember Paul. He was persecuting God's church. He was leading the destruction of the mission. He was high above the lowly. He was powerful against the powerless. If you read about his exploits against the early Christians, you'll have mercy to the oppressed followers but not to Paul. However, God thinks otherwise. God calls Paul into his side and gives his mercy to him just as God gives his mercy to the faithful. Mercy was given to the persecuted and to the persecutor.

The Father's mercy does not know no levels in life. It is provided to people who don't deserve it for none deserves it. It does not weigh on your economic standing. Mercy is free no matter what is your position in the company, in the church or in life. It does not claim benefit to people who has less or more. It does not discriminate. God's mercy is given to all.

"Be merciful just as the Father is merciful", Jesus tells us. Mercy, God gives it to you. Give it to all. It makes sense.

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