Monday, September 27, 2010

Line of Sight

But Herod said, "John I beheaded. Who then is this about whom I hear such things?" And he kept trying to see him. Luke 9:9

Herod was trying to see Jesus. But he was looking for something else.

I was looking to serve. When we came to the US, I got acquainted with another prayer group. I was a trained charismatic catholic with full of experience for the past ten or more years. We came to their meetings and evangelization activities. After some time, I got to serve with them. However, I saw some different approaches that they were doing. It was not wrong yet I saw it was not the right way of doing things. Supposedly, they had the same spirituality as I am yet they handle and look at matters in a dissimilar perspective. As I got deep into their life, I had more negative feelings towards the group, the people, and their strategies to service.

I did not see Jesus for I was looking at something else.

I was looking to see Jesus. Recently, we went to this retreat where the approach to spirituality was entirely different. They were not charismatic, they were part of the Focolare movement. The speakers did not present talks or experiences with such pounding declamation and the usual craft of words. The sharers would speak about their not so exciting ordinary lives in their workplaces, homes and schools. They even spoke before us sitting and even read their scripts and magazine articles. Some old videos were also shown where their founder, an old woman by then, preached softly. It was entirely different. It was entirely inspiring and touching. It was entirely refreshing. I entirely saw Jesus.

If you are trying to see Jesus, have your heart and eyes on the right line of sight. And you will surely see him.

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