Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Stretched and Restored

…he said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He stretched it out and his hand was restored. Mark 3:5

His hand was withered. If he would compare the other hand with this one, he would find this withered hand has shrunken. This hand has wasted. It has dried up. It has thinned. It has no life. It has no power to lift. It has no grip to hold. It just hangs on his shoulders. Good thing this withered hand sticks to his shoulders. Good thing this man sticks to the synagogue. Good thing Jesus saw him and his withered hand. Jesus told him, "Stretch out your hand." He gave his hand completely to Jesus. He stretched out his complete trust to Him. He stretched out his faith in God. He stretched it out and his hand was restored. His hand is now equal with the other. It has life. It can lift. It has grip. Man stretched it out completely, God restored it completely.

Do you think your life is withered? You may have been following God for the past years and you seem to be burnt out. Or you may be a new disciple going through a deserted place. You compare your life to your friends' or relatives' and find your life is too shrunken. Maybe you think your life is wasted. It is dried up. Yours is life that has no life. Yours is life that has no power to lift and inspire others. It has no grip to hold on to. You just hang on day by day. Here's the good thing - you still have life. Good thing, you still have God. Stick to God. Stick to your prayer time. Stick praying with your family. Stick to going to church. Stick going to that worship service. Stick going to that prayer meeting. That is where Jesus is. At the right time, hear Jesus saying, "Stretch your life." Give your life completely to Him. Stretch out completely your trust in him. Stretch out your faith in God. Stretch it out and your life will be restored. Your life will have life. You can lift and inspire others. You can grip on God. Man stretched it out completely, God restored it completely.

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