Saturday, October 17, 2009

Notice of God

Are not five sparrows sold for two small coins? Yet not one of them has escaped the notice of God. Luke 12:6

My mother has her eyes on me. She notices everything and anything in me. She always keeps in step with me. She notices the way I carry myself. She talks about the way I talk. She comments the way I do house chores. She has an eye for everything I do or not do. She tells me this way and not that way. I have always thought she has a video recording good to know what I am doing even when she is not present. Bottom line is she notices me, every moment my life, because she cares for me and she loves me.

God has His eyes on us, too. Jesus said even birds of the air do not escape from the notice of God. He does not look at us to count our rights or wrongs but He gazes on us to take care of us and He can't keep His eyes off on us because He loves us. He keeps in step with us when we are fast paced or even when we take things for some time. He empowers us with His presence so we can do whatever we can do or called not to do. His guidance keeps us to be on the right path towards His kingdom. Bottom line is God notices us, every moment in our lives, because He cares for us and He loves us.

Deep inside us, we want to be noticed. We want to have handshakes with politicians. We want signatures of sports or movie personalities on our things. We want to have dinner with someone whom we idolize. In our workplaces, we want our work to get noticed.

And yet we have a God who takes notice of us since He loves us and He takes care of us. He is not the president of the most powerful nation. He is not the richest or most talented artist. He is our God. The God who is the maker of heaven and earth. The God of the universe.

You are not a shadow to Him. God notices you.

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