Friday, August 07, 2009

Remembering God

They forgot the God who saved them, who did great deeds in Egypt, Amazing deeds in the land of Ham, fearsome deeds at the Red Sea. Psalm 106:21-22

In the past days, we remembered. Cory Aquino, first ever lady president of the Republic of the Philippines died and the whole nation remembered. We remembered to tie a yellow ribbon. We remembered to put on a yellow shirt as a sign of restoring democracy in the country. We remembered the “Laban” sign and once again our hands were upraised. We remembered how she stepped up to the plate to continue her husband’s call, “The Filipino is worth dying for.” We remembered her oath as the new president after the dictator was ousted. We remembered how Cory weathered challenges in her government including seven coup d’etat in six years of presidency. We remembered once again we are free and have the power to change in the midst of challenges.

This is not the case for the Israelites. When thinking about claiming Canaan, the Promised Land, they forgot God. They forgot God is God. They forgot how God saved them. They forgot how God fed them. They forgot how God rescued them.

And we, too, sometimes forget. We forget God is our God. We forget who God is. We forget how God can and will make a way. We forget how God is faithful. We forget how He saved us. We forget God especially when,

Sickness strikes in our bodies. Remember countless healing He has done in you.
Family finances are counted with fingers. Remember how God defied the supply-demand theory to meet your needs.
Relationships are in chaos. Remember He has restored broken matters in your lifetime.
Work is on the edge of the terminal. Remember how many windows has He opened when a door closes at you.

Forgetting God is about focusing at the mammoth difficulty.

Remembering God is about focusing at who God is compared to that mammoth difficulty and what God can and will do to overcome that mammoth difficulty.

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