We rejoice and celebrate as we welcome our new Branch Leader Narciso Zoleta Garcia II. Bro Nars as we call him in Lingkod was installed yesterday by our Regional Director Dexter Cato during the friday prayer meeting. It was attended by committed members of ALNP Angeles City, Alumni, Fr. Marvin our spiritual director, Nars' immediate family and other invited guests.
The event started with a worship lead by Nolex Dizon, then followed by a short program hosted by Aris and Gagz. During the program, our brother Nars was given tribute and honored by friends from AOL, brothers and sisters from Lingkod. These gave us a glimpse of the life lived by our brother Nars as a obedient son to his parents (he's the youngest among sibling of 6), as a hard working student student in (Angeles City, Marinduque), as a model employee in AOL, a committed and responsible brother in Lingkod.
Bro Nars will be serving us for the next 2 years as our branch Leader. Thanks bro for stepping up and setting aside your time, plans, resources, making yourself available to serve the Lord through Ang Lingkod ng Panginoon. God Bless bro.