And Mary said, "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior..." Luke 1:46-47
To magnify is to enlarge a small object. To magnify is to cause something little appear bigger. This is what we do when we look at the planets or other hanging stuff in the universe. When you look at them, they seems small for they are far. If magnified, we see them nearer and larger. Our jaws drop as we see Saturn's rings. We look in awe with Jupiter's moons. How about staring at the reddish Mars. Or follow Armstrong's footsteps on our moon. Seems small since far yet when magnified we gasped at their beauty and majesty.
Mary is familiar with this. Her soul magnified the Lord. She followed God all her life. Her body made God near. She was instrumental in getting Jesus from heaven to earth. Before she bore Jesus, His people needed a Savior from their sins. Before she had Jesus at the stable, God was insignificant and small among His people, His people have drifted away from Him. God chose Mary to magnify His presence on earth. Ask Jesus to turn water into wine. Bring Jesus to walk with His people. Get Jesus at a family's dinner table. Give Jesus to die for their sins. God seems to be small because His people were far but through Mary, God was magnified and we gasped at His love and mercy.
Will you magnify God in your life? Make Him larger. Make Him near.
- In your home, by your love for your family
- In your workplace, by your words and actions
- With your friends, be with them in their times of need
- With your neighbors, pray for them even if they ignore you
- With your community, when honeymoon relationships are over
- With your church, do the unwanted service with a wanting heart
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