Not a Coincidence
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you. Jeremiah 1:5
In the opening scene of the film "Sister's Keeper", Anna narrates about babies being born as coincidences. That there are millions of babies floating around the universe waiting to be attached to a female body. Looking deeply into this thought, every human being exists because of coincidence. Every man or a woman is an accident. You look at yourself or you see someone in your house or at the streets, all are not meant to be there. You have a family, your parents or your siblings and those people you love are all coincidence. You look at your dearest own children and your neighbor's kids, based from this birth coincidence, there is a chance you might have swapped babies at the hospital.
God told Jeremiah , "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you." With God's stand point, we are not a coincidence. With God, nobody is an accident. He knows us before we were formed in our mother's womb. He has a plan for us to be with Him. He has a holy scheme for us to be empowered to serve Him in His kingdom. This is not predestination. We have choices or options to make. And whatever path we take, God meets us there to fit His plan with our choice. God has a plan for us to be born and serve Him as missionaries to the nations.
You have been given an entry to US for a holy purpose.
You are in Singapore to expand His kingdom.
You are a medical practitioner in Europe to care for His people.
You decide to stay in the Philippines to do God's work.
Middle East is your mission place as you work as an engineer or an accountant.
Every time, you look at the mirror. Every time, you look at your child's face. Take heart the grand design why you and I exist. To know God. To be dedicated for God. To make God known. That is not a coincidence.
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