Bringing People to God
And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment and begged him to lay his hand on him. Mark 7:32
Maybe he did not hear about Jesus. Maybe he can't talk about Jesus healing him. Maybe this deaf man does not have the heart to find his way to Jesus. Maybe he can come up to Jesus but do not know where to start. And so, people brought him to Jesus. People presented to Jesus his deafness and speech problem. People did not stop there, they begged Jesus to lay His hand on him.
Did you see two efforts in there? Action and reflection.
Bringing people to God requires action. They brought him to Jesus. They moved. They walked. Talk is cheap. You can be the best speaker in town but if your actions do not define your propositions, I do not where things are going to end up to. We must change to expect change in others. By the grace of God, this happened. When I met God in a strong personal way, change begun in me. I was a problem kid in the family but not after that. I prayed every morning and my younger brother, who shares the room with me, saw I am not the same as I was before. Soon, he joined the community I am with. I am not sure if I invited him but he became closer to God. My two other sisters followed likewise.
Reflection is important when bringing people to God. People begged Jesus for healing of the deaf man. They prayed to God in behalf of the man. They interceded together. They pleaded to God. They were in unison for one purpose. Where two or more are gathered in His name, He is there in their midst - Matthew 18:20. Jesus hears our united prayers. Jesus heeds our consolidated one petition. Jesus is present in our collective single concern.
Friends, keep action and reflection in your life. Expect people be brought to God.
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