Thursday, April 16, 2009

Slow of Heart to Believe

And he said to them, “Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke! Luke 24:25

I remember my mother told me my name is Edwin B. Cano, I quickly believed.

I remember when my parents told me I have seven siblings but not equally as cute as I am, I quickly believed.

I remember when my parents told me their names, Elena and Eleuterio, I quickly believed.

I remember when the legendary elementary science teacher Rosalinda Cordero provided lessons on how the butterfly comes to be, I quickly believed.

I remember when Professor Ruby Henson proved the value of sine of 45 degrees, I quickly believed.

I remember when Prof. Henson discussed the Pythagorean Theorem, I quickly believed.

I remember when my economics professor spoke about supply-demand balance, I quickly believed.

I remember when the great Hilario Lulu gave us a lecture on electromagnetic fields rotating in three-axis, I quickly believed.

I remember when my ex-girlfriend, she is my wife for ten years now, told me I am good looking, I quickly believed.

I remember when I heard a catholic preacher speaking about how God loves me and how God forgives me for my sins, ooooops….. let me think……I was slow to believe.

Get that?

Why do we quickly believe simple or complex facts but not what we heard and read about God? What do we have in our hearts that allow us to have some time before we believe in what God can do or what God will do? And when the discussion is all about God, why do we have all sorts of questions? Simple answer - we are foolish.

He was born in a manger. He walked the earth. He healed. He tiptoed on water. He multiplied bread and fishes. He suffered mockery. He died. He is risen. Everything works for good for those who love God - Romans 8:28. Nothing can separate us from the love of God - Romans 8:39. He will complete the work began in us - Philippians 1:6.

Be wise. God give us the wisdom to quickly believe. God change our hearts to quickly believe.

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